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Project Management Certification

(117 Ratings)
Project management certification is the process of planning, organizing, and carrying out tasks to reach certain goals within certain limits. It includes starting a project, making goals, assigning resources, making schedules, and keeping track of progress. Managers of projects put together teams, deal with risks, and make sure projects stay on track, stay within price, and meet quality standards. To deliver a job successfully, you need to be able to communicate, lead, and solve problems well. Using methods like Agile or Waterfall helps to speed up processes, make sure that stakeholders are happy, and get a project done.


Welcome to our project management training program, which covers a lot of ground. In today’s fast-paced and complicated business world, it’s important to be able to handle projects well if you want to get things done and meet organizational goals. Our training is meant to give you the knowledge and skills you need to be a good project manager and guide a project through its full lifecycle, from starting to ending.

Why should you manage projects?

Project management is the process of planning, organizing, and carrying out projects to reach certain goals within certain limits, such as time, money, and resources. Here are some reasons why project management is a key part of running a great business:

Structured Approach:

Project management gives you a set of rules for how to run projects in an orderly way.

Resource Optimization:

Good project management makes the most of the resources available, improves efficiency, and cuts down on waste.

Risk management:

when project managers try to predict and lessen the effects of risks. This keeps the project on track and minimizes problems.

Clear Communication:

Project management puts a lot of emphasis on clear communication between all of the people involved, which encourages teamwork and alignment.

The best parts of our training are:

Introduction to Project Management:

Learn the basic ideas, methods, and how important project management is in different fields.

Project Initiation:

Learn how to describe the project’s scope, goals, and stakeholders, as well as how to create a good project charter.

Plan your project

By putting together detailed plans that include jobs, schedules, budgets, and how resources will be used.

Risk Management:

Look into ways to find, evaluate, and manage project risks in a responsible way.

Execution and Monitoring:

Learn how to run a project, keep track of its progress, and communicate well so that project goals are met.

Quality Management:

Learn how to identify and make sure that the quality of a project is good by testing, validating, and ensuring quality.

Change Management:

Use effective change management practices to learn how to deal with project changes, scope creep, and stakeholder demands.

Project Closure:

Learn about how to end a project, including how to finish tasks, get approvals, and do lessons learned.

Why Should You Choose Our Training in Project Management?

Expert Teachers:

Learn from expert project managers who share real-world tips and the best ways to do things in the field.

Hands-On Learning:

Learn by doing projects, case studies, and exercises that are based on the real world.

Get skills

That can be used in many different businesses and fields, from IT to construction to healthcare.

Career advancement:

 Knowing how to handle projects gives you the chance to lead and carry out projects well.

Flexible Learning Formats:

You can choose to take online courses at your own pace or attend live sessions led by a teacher to fit your schedule.

Those who should go:

  • Project managers-to-be
  • People who are moving into project management jobs
  • Team Leaders and Managers
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to handle projects well should read this book.

Why Choose Checkmate

If you are looking for training providers who offer ongoing support and tools to help you succeed in your Project management journey. Checkmate IT gives a full introduction to project management, covering both the theory and the real world. Some of these are access to trainers, online communities, practice tasks, and help with finding a job. Checkmate IT Tech has training choices that work with your schedule and how you like to learn.


  • What project management is and why it’s important
  • Frameworks and methods for managing a project
  • What a project manager does and how they do it
  • Choosing the goals and scope of a project
  • Identifying and analyzing the stakeholders
  • Putting together a project charter and plan
  • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gantt Charts (Gantt)
  • Making and keeping track of project schedules
  • Distribution of resources and levelling of resources
  • Analysis of the critical path and dependencies
  • Making and keeping track of project schedules
  • Distribution of resources and levelling of resources
  • Analysis of the critical path and dependencies
  • How to Find and Evaluate Project Risks
  • Risk reduction and planning for the worst
  • Planning for dealing with risks
  • Understanding Quality Standards and Metrics
  • Quality Planning and assurance
  • Keeping an eye on quality and making improvements
  • Strategies for Good Communication in Project Management
  • Managing the expectations and involvement of stakeholders
  • Plans for project updates and communication
  • Putting together and running project teams
  • Getting and taking care of team members
  • How to handle conflicts and how well a team does
  • Putting the plan to work
  • Keeping track of and controlling the progress of a project
  • Change Management and Limiting the Scope
  • The end of the project and what was learned
  • Project Phases
  • Reviewing and learning from what went wrong at the end of a project Deliverables Handover and Changeover
  • Guided hands-on projects: real-world project management
  • Presentations by students and judging their projects
  • Review of the main ideas and lessons
  • Discussion of Resources and Other Ways to Learn
  • Certificates for finishing a course

Career Transition


  • Defining the scope and taking care of it
  • Planning and scheduling for a project
  • Budgeting and Keeping Track of Costs
  • How to divide up and manage resources
  • Taking care of risks
  • Communication with and involvement of stakeholders
  • How to lead and motivate a team
  • Management of Change
  • Getting rid of conflicts
  • Quality Control and Quality Assurance
  • How to handle time
  • How to make decisions and solve problems
  • Tracking and reporting on a project
  • Buying and dealing with vendors

Meet Your Mentors

Robert Brown

Experience: Robert has been a Project Manager for more than 15 years and has led and managed projects of all kinds and levels of complexity. He has worked in IT, building, and healthcare, where he was in charge of planning, executing, and managing risks for projects. Training Insights: During his training sessions, Robert will talk about the basics of project management, such as starting a project, defining its purpose, making a schedule, allocating resources, and communicating with stakeholders. He will walk students through real-world project situations and show them how to do things in a useful way to make sure the projects go well.

Jia Shetty

Jia Shetty is a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP). She has led cross-functional teams to finish software development projects, use agile methods, and make sure that the projects are in line with business goals. Course Insights: Jia's course will be about different ways to handle projects, such as waterfall and agile. She will show how to make project plans, deal with project risks, and use tools for project management well.

Debjoyti Walia

Debjoyti Walia has a lot of experience as a Project Management Consultant. He is good at running complicated IT projects. Course Highlights: Debjoyti's training lessons will focus on best practices for project management, such as starting a project, managing its scope, keeping track of changes, and ending it. He will teach students about the whole project lifecycle and teach them how to lead projects and handle teams well.

Program Fee

Total Admission Fee

Admissions are closed once the requisite number of participants enroll for the upcoming cohort. Apply early to secure your seat.

"Begin your journey with a 20% upfront payment, and our dedicated associate will guide you through the enrollment process."

Career Services By Checkmate IT Tech

Placement Assistance

Placement opportunities are provided once the learner is moved to the placement pool. Get noticed by our 400+ hiring partners.

Exclusive access to Checkmate IT Tech Job portal

Placement opportunities are provided once the learner is moved to the placement pool. Get noticed by our 400+ hiring partners.

Mock Interview Preparation

Students will go through a number of mock interviews conducted by technical experts who will then offer tips and constructive feedback for reference and improvement.

One-on-one Career Mentoring Sessions

Attend one-on-one sessions with career mentors on how to develop the required skills and attitude to secure a dream job based on a learner’s educational background, past experience, and future career aspirations.

Career Oriented Sessions

Over 10+ live interactive sessions with an industry expert to gain knowledge and experience on how to build skills that are expected by hiring managers. These will be guided sessions that will help you stay on track with your upskilling.

Resume & LinkedIn Profile Building

Get assistance in creating a world-class resume & Linkedin Profile from our career services team and learn how to grab the attention of the hiring manager at the profile shortlisting stage

Frequently Asked Questions

Project management is the process of planning, organizing, and managing resources to reach specific goals and results within a set time frame and budget. It’s important to make sure that jobs are done well and quickly.

No, you don’t need any training. Anyone can learn about Project Management, but it helps if you already know how to manage jobs or teams.

Learning about Project Management can help you get better at planning, keeping track of time, communicating, assessing risks, fixing problems, making budgets, and leading a team.

A lesson on Project Management usually covers things like how to start a project, how to define its scope, how to schedule it, how to budget it, how to deal with risks, how to talk to stakeholders, how to do the project, and how to keep track of it.

Yes, Project Management certifications like Project Management Professional (PMP) and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) by PMI are generally recognized.

Yes, we do offer help after training to help you get a job. This help includes access to tools, chances to meet new people, help with making a resume, and help getting ready for an interview.

You can work on projects like planning a fundraiser, a small-scale software development project, a team-building workshop, or a community service project.

Yes, Project Management is useful in all fields. It is used in construction, IT, healthcare, marketing, event planning, and almost every other area where tasks and resources need to be managed to reach goals.

When you know how to do project management, you can get jobs like Project Manager, Program Manager, Project Coordinator, Team Lead, and others in industries like building and technology.