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.Net Core Training

(232 Ratings)
.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform technology for making modern apps. It gives you a runtime, libraries, and tools for making software for the web, desktop, and cloud, with a focus on speed and scalability. With its modular design and support for different programming languages, .NET Core lets developers make applications that work well and can be used on different devices.


Welcome to our complete training program for.NET Core Development! In the changing software world of today, .NET Core has become a powerful framework for making high-performance, cross-platform apps. Our training is meant to give you the skills you need to use.NET Core to its fullest and make apps that are modern, scalable, and efficient.

Why .NET Core?

.NET Core is a versatile, open-source framework that enables developers to build applications for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It offers numerous advantages, including:


Build apps that run smoothly on more than one operating system, lowering the amount of work you have to put into making them and expanding their reach.

High Performance:

The performance and scalability of.NET Core have been improved, so it can be used for both small projects and big apps.

Modern Development:

Use modern features like dependency injection, asynchronous programming, and support for microservices design in your development.

Open Source:

Join a thriving group and speed up development with open-source libraries and tools.

Key Highlights of Our Training:

Introduction to .NET Core:

Understand the architecture, features, and benefits of .NET Core as a modern development framework.

Setting Up Your Environment:

Learn how to set up and configure your development environment, including installing the necessary tools and packages.

C# Programming:

Master C#, the primary language used in .NET Core development, covering syntax, data types, control structures, and more.

Web Application Development:

Dive into building web applications using ASP.NET Core, including creating controllers, views, and handling HTTP requests.

API Development:

Explore RESTful API development using ASP.NET Core, creating robust APIs for communication between different systems.

Database Integration:

Learn how to work with databases using Entity Framework Core, including data modeling, migrations, and querying.

Dependency Injection:

Understand the importance of dependency injection and how to implement it for modular and maintainable code.

Testing and Debugging:

Discover techniques for unit testing, integration testing, and effective debugging practices.

Deployment and DevOps:

Explore strategies for deploying .NET Core applications, integrating with CI/CD pipelines, and leveraging containerization.

Microservices Architecture:

Gain insights into designing and building microservices-based applications for scalability and flexibility.

Performance Optimization:

Learn techniques to optimize the performance of .NET Core applications, including caching, profiling, and load balancing.

Why Choose Our .NET Core Development Training?

Experienced Instructors:

Learn from industry experts with extensive .NET Core experience and practical insights.

Hands-On Learning:

Apply your knowledge through coding exercises, projects, and real-world simulations.

Industry Relevance:

Acquire skills that are in high demand across various domains, including web development, microservices, and more.

Career Advancement:

Enhance your career prospects by becoming proficient in a modern, versatile framework.

Flexible Learning Formats:

Choose from online self-paced courses or live instructor-led sessions to fit your schedule.

Who Should Attend:

  • Software Developers and Engineers
  • Web Developers seeking to modernize their skills
  • IT Professionals transitioning to .NET Core
  • Anyone interested in building cross-platform applications

Why Choose Checkmate IT Tech?

If you are looking for training providers that offer ongoing support and resources to help you succeed in your .NET Core journey. Checkmate IT offers a comprehensive introduction to .NET Core, including both theoretical and practical aspects. These may include access to trainers, online communities, practice exercises, and job placement assistance. Checkmate IT Tech offers flexible training options that suit your schedule and learning preferences.


  • Introduction to .NET Core and Its Advantages
  • Setting up a .NET Core Development Environment
  • Basics of C# Programming Language
  • Creating and Running Console Applications
  • Variables, Data Types, and Operators in C#
  • Control Flow: Conditional Statements and Loops
  • Classes, Objects, and Methods
  • Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Abstraction
  • Exception Handling in C#
  • Introduction to .NET Core Class Libraries
  • Using NuGet Packages and Dependency Management
  • Introduction to ASP.NET Core Libraries
  • Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC Framework
  • Creating Controllers and Views
  • Model Binding and Validation
  • Introduction to Entity Framework Core
  • Database First and Code First Approaches
  • Querying and Manipulating Data with EF Core
  • Introduction to RESTful Web APIs
  • Creating Web APIs with ASP.NET Core
  • Securing Web APIs with Authentication and Authorization
  • Introduction to Front-End Development Tools (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Integrating Front-End Technologies with ASP.NET Core
  • Unit Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Debugging Techniques for .NET Core Applications
  • Deploying .NET Core Applications to Hosting Environments
  • Introduction to Docker and Containerization
  • Implementing Continuous Integration and Deployment
  • Guided Hands-On Projects: Developing Practical Applications with .NET Core
  • Student Presentations and Code Review
  • Review of Key Concepts and Takeaways
  • Discussion of Further Learning Paths and Resources
  • Certificates of Completion

Career Transition


  • C#
  • NET Core
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Web API Development
  • MVC (Model-View-Controller)
  • Dependency Injection
  • Unit Testing with xUnit
  • RESTful API Design
  • Azure DevOps
  • Docker
  • Microservices Architecture
  • Authentication and Authorization (Identity Framework)
  • SignalR
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Cross-platform Development

Meet Your Mentors


Experience: Watson has been a.NET Core Developer for over 8 years. He has used.NET Core to work on a wide range of projects, such as web apps, APIs, and microservices. Watson will teach the basics of.NET Core in his training sessions. He will talk about C# programming, MVC architecture, and API creation with ASP.NET Core. He will show the kids how to use the newest features of.NET Core to build web apps and APIs.

Sarshar Ali

Sarshar Ali has a lot of experience as a.NET Core Solutions Architect. He has designed and built complicated software systems in the past. He knows how to design microservices, integrate them with cloud platforms, and improve the performance of.NET Core applications. Course Training: Sarshar's course will focus on the architecture of.NET Core applications, the design of microservices, and cloud-native programming. He will show how to use.NET Core and containerization technologies to make apps that are scalable and reliable.

Dow Layn

Experience: Dow Layn is a Full Stack Developer who knows how to make.NET Core apps that work on both the front end and the back end. Dow's training lessons will cover full-stack development with.NET Core. This includes integrating front-end frameworks, designing RESTful APIs, and authenticating users. She will show students how to use.NET Core to make applications from start to finish.

Program Fee


Admissions are closed once the requisite number of participants enroll for the upcoming cohort. Apply early to secure your seat.

"Begin your journey with a 20% upfront payment, and our dedicated associate will guide you through the enrollment process."

Career Services By Checkmate IT Tech

Placement Assistance

Placement opportunities are provided once the learner is moved to the placement pool. Get noticed by our 400+ hiring partners.

Exclusive access to Checkmate IT Tech Job portal

Placement opportunities are provided once the learner is moved to the placement pool. Get noticed by our 400+ hiring partners.

Mock Interview Preparation

Students will go through a number of mock interviews conducted by technical experts who will then offer tips and constructive feedback for reference and improvement.

One-on-one Career Mentoring Sessions

Attend one-on-one sessions with career mentors on how to develop the required skills and attitude to secure a dream job based on a learner’s educational background, past experience, and future career aspirations.

Career Oriented Sessions

Over 10+ live interactive sessions with an industry expert to gain knowledge and experience on how to build skills that are expected by hiring managers. These will be guided sessions that will help you stay on track with your upskilling.

Resume & LinkedIn Profile Building

Get assistance in creating a world-class resume & Linkedin Profile from our career services team and learn how to grab the attention of the hiring manager at the profile shortlisting stage

Frequently Asked Questions

.NET Core which is a cross-platform software framework that is open source. It lets you build and run apps on Windows, macOS, and Linux, among other operating systems. It’s important because it lets developers make apps that are modern, fast, and scalable.

Even if you have never programmed before, you can still learn.NET Core. .NET Core ideas are easier to understand if you already know the basics of programming.

Learning.NET Core can help you learn how to make web apps, APIs, cross-platform apps, integrate the cloud, and understand how current software architecture patterns work.

A typical.NET Core course will teach you how to make web apps with ASP.NET Core, work with MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, build RESTful APIs, use Entity Framework Core to connect to a database, and launch apps.

Yes, Microsoft offers certifications related to .NET Core. Examples include Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate and Microsoft Certified: App Builder.

How long it takes to learn something.NET Core relies on how much you already know, how hard the topics you want to cover are, and how fast you learn. In two months, you can learn enough to get by.

Yes, we do offer help after training to help you get a job. This help includes access to tools, chances to meet new people, help with making a resume, and help getting ready for an interview.

You can work on projects like building a simple blog platform, making a task management app, making a RESTful API for a mobile app, or building an e-commerce website.

Yes, NET Core can be used to make mobile apps through tools like Xamarin, which lets you use C# and.NET to make mobile apps that work on different platforms.

When you learn.NET Core, you can get jobs like.NET Core Developer, Full Stack Developer, Web Developer, and Software Engineer. You can also get jobs in software development, IT services, and other fields.